Easy Storage Solutions Help
Easy Storage Solutions Help
> Tenant Documents and Communication
Document templates
Default Template Placeholder Definitions
Default document templates
How do I create a document template?
Enabling automatic templates
Custom Customer Field settings
Using placeholders
Signing documents
How do new customers sign their rental agreement?
How do existing customers sign the lease agreement?
Printing documents
How do I print postcards?
How do I print individual mailing labels?
How do I batch print mailing labels?
How do I batch print all invoices?
How do I re-print or re-send a receipt?
How do I print or download a customer's unpaid invoice?
Email and Text Messages
Third Party Messaging Apps
Text Message Failures
Gathering consent to send text messages
Registering your SMS phone numbers for Two-Way Texting
How do I print or email a custom letter?
How do I edit customer notification preferences?