If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

How do existing customers sign the lease agreement?

Existing customers can sign the agreement online by accessing their account after you provide them with a username and password. 

Signing the agreement without logging into the online account

You can text/email the tenant a link to the storage agreement so it can be signed quickly and easily. The link is authenticated and is good for 24 hours. When the tenant clicks on that link it will take them directly into their online account to sign the agreement and the software will automatically update once the signature is captured. If the 24 hour window is missed by the tenant they can still sign the agreement but they will be directed to login to their account as shown above. 

Tenants who rent online will have already signed a lease agreement because it is a requirement for renting online successfully. 
If a facility manager rents a unit to the tenant, they will need to be sure to send the agreement to the tenant during the rental process and then follow up with the tenant until the agreement has been signed. The Storage Agreement report is great for managing signed and unsigned agreements for your facility. 

How an existing customer signs the agreement

1. Have the customer visit your website and log into their account using the Make a Payment/Login button.


2. They will enter their Username and Password and click Login to access their dashboard. 

3. On the Dashboard, they will click Sign Agreement.

4. The customer will read the agreement and then, at the bottom, sign and signify they agree. They will sign with their mouse (on a computer) or their finger (e.g. on a phone).

Still have questions?
Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.