Easy Storage Solutions Help
Easy Storage Solutions Help
> Tenants
Move-Ins, Move-Outs, Transfers
Reservations FAQ
How do I approve a reservation and move the customer in?
How do I create a quote for a customer?
How do I transfer a customer from one unit to another
Moving a tenant in
Prorating rent when renting a unit to a customer
The Customer's Account
How do I make a customer exempt from Late fees?
How do I mark a tenant as Tax Exempt?
How do I combine duplicate customer accounts?
How do I create or edit a customer account?
How do I charge a customer for a retail item?
How do I archive customers?
The Waiting List
How do I view the Waiting List?
How do I add someone to the Waiting List?
Past Due and Auctions
How do I enable or disable late notices for a customer?
How do I manually create or change a customer's auction date?