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Prorating rent when renting a unit to a customer

Follow the instructions below if you want to prorate rent when initially renting a unit to a customer.


1. Log in to your Easy Storage Solutions software.

2. Search for the customer for whom you want to rent a unit. Click on their name. (You will need to create a customer profile in order to rent a unit to that person.)


3. Click the Rent Unit button at the top of the customer's page. 


4. In the new screen that appears, the prorating options are located close to the bottom. If you have a default manager setting created (on the Setup tab), the facility prorating default will automatically populate the field.


5. Select a prorating option from the dropdown menu. Each option is explained further below. The most common prorating option is Prorate this month and bill full billing cycle starting next month.


Custom Prorating: Select this option if you have, a charge other than rent such as insurance that needs to be prorated as well. You can customize the prorated price and also insert a prorated insurance premium.


Bill for the first full month, Prorate second month billed now 

The customer will be required to pay for the first full month plus a second prorated month at move-in.

Example: If a customer moves in on October 15th, they would pay for October 15th - November 15th and also the rest of November (the prorated amount), up front. If rent for a month is $60, the customer would pay you $90 right now if you selected this prorating option, and they wouldn't be due again until the first of December.

Bill for the first full month, Prorate second month billed later

The customer will be required to pay for a the first full month's rent at move-in and will be billed later for their prorated second month.

Example: If a customer moves in on October 15th, they would pay for October 15th - November 15th at move-in. When their next bill is due on November 15th, they will only owe for the remainder of November (the prorated amount). Their billing cycle will change to the first of the month starting in December. If rent is $60 a month, they will pay you $60 at move-in. On November 15th, they will pay you about $30. On December 1st, they will pay $60 and would continue doing so on the first of the month going forward.

Prorate this month and bill full billing cycle starting next month (Most common)

The customer will pay the prorated rent for the first month at move-in and then be billed for their second full month.

Example: If a customer moves in on October 15th, they would pay for October 15th - November 15th at move-in and regular billing would begin on November 1st. If rent is $60/month, they will pay you $30 at move-in. On November 1st, they will pay $60 and would continue doing so on the first of the month going forward.

Prorate this month and bill now for the first billing cycle

The customer will be required to pay for the first prorated month and the next full month at move-in. Regular billing will start the following month.  

Example:  If a customer moves in on October 15th, they would pay for the remainder of October and the full amount for November up front. Regular billing would start on December 1st. If rent is $60 for a month, they would pay $30 for the rest of October and also $60 for all of November, totaling $90 at move-in. Their next bill date would not be until December 1st, when they are billed $60 for that month.

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Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.