If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

Moving a tenant in

You can rent a unit to a customer from either the Units tab or the Customers tab.

If you are in the process of entering your tenant data for the first time, we recommend using the Units Tab because it is faster for multiple rentals.   

From the Units Tab:

1Hover over the Units tab and select List View.



From the Customers Tab:

1. Hover over the Customer Tab and click All Customers.


2Click the unit number from the list. If you will be renting multiple units, we recommend right clicking the unit number and opening it in a new tab, so you can leave this page open to rent the next unit. (If you do not see units listed, you need to create unit types and units before you can rent them to a customer.)  


2. Find and select the customer you are renting the unit to. 



3. Select the customer from the New Customer dropdown menu. Then, click Rent to Customer.


3Click Rent a Unit at the top of the page.


4. The unit type and number will already be selected on this screen. This is the difference between renting from the unit tab and from the customer page. In the customer page, the unit type and number will not be pre-selected on this screen.



4. Select the Unit Size and Number.  34.png

The following steps will be applicable whether you started from the Units tab or the Customers tab.


 5. Enter the start date for the customer's billing cycle. The billing cycle start date must be a future date. The date you put here will be the date your customer is due for rent and the software will invoice according to the due date and whatever you have the billing period set as. If you want all tenants to be due on the first of the month, you would select the next first of a month as the date.


Please Note: If you are entering your tenants for the first time and will be using the software for the coming month, you will want to set the due date out to the next month or to the month when you plan to start using the software. If you fail to do this, the software will generate invoices that will then have to be voided out manually, one by one.


6. The Plan field is the price your customer will be paying monthly. It will automatically populate the price of the unit. 


If you'd like to enter a different amount than shown, select Custom in the Plan dropdown.


Monthly Price before Discount: If the customer is paying a different monthly price than the current unit price,  enter their rate in the Monthly Price before Discount field. Leave the Discount at 0.0 and the Billing Cycle at 1 month. This will not change the price of the unit for anyone else, only for this specific customer. 

If you want to give the customer a percentage discount: Input the full price of the unit in the Monthly Price Before Discount field, and input the discount in the Discount field. 

If the customer wants to pay once a year or a few months at a time: Select the number of months the tenant is paying for from the Billing Cycle dropdown menu. For example, yearly payments would be a "12 month" billing cycle. Every six months would be a "6 month" billing cycle. 

If you want to rent a unit to someone at no charge, put any amount in the Monthly Price before Discount field (it cannot be zero) and then give 100% discount. 


7. If the customer has an insurance plan, you can select it here. (Before options will be shown in this box, you must first add the insurance plans under Setup > Insurance > Add (button under available plans).


8. If you do not charge a deposit, make sure the box is unchecked. If you DO charge a deposit, check Charge Deposit and read the rest of this step. 

Note: The deposit amount can be refunded when a customer moves out. The setup fee (see  step 10) is not typically refunded. Tax is not charged on the deposit. If you charge tax, you need to reflect that in the deposit amount.


After checking Charge Deposit, you will see the deposit amount and also another box giving you the option to mark the deposit as previously paid.  If the customer paid their deposit in the past, check that box as well. 


9. If you do not charge a setup fee, make sure Charge Setup Fee is not checked. If you DO charge a setup fee, check the box and continue reading.


After checking the box, the setup fee and an option to charge tax will appear.  (If you need to charge tax but don't see the option in the dropdown box, you have to first add tax options under the setup tab > Tax Rates > New Tax Rate.)


10. If the customer has an outstanding balance (owes you money), select Balance Forward from the Add a fee dropdown.


A new page will come up. You can change the name to whatever you'd like (Unpaid rent for June, etc.). Enter the amount the customer owes you. When done, click Add a Fee.  When you finish the renting process, this amount will show outstanding on the customer's balance.


11. You can select your preferred proration option from the Pro-Rating Options dropdown box. The most commonly used are the last two listed.


12. The move-in date can be any time in the past. If your customer moved in June 2014, simply type in the date in the box or select it from the calendar. 


13. If you have a state tax, you can select it from the Tax rate dropdown. If you need to charge tax but don't see the correct option in the dropdown box, you have to first add tax options under the Setup Tab > Tax Rates > New Tax Rate.


14. Double check the prices and then click Rent Now. The deposit will show as a charge even if you clicked the Mark as previously paid button. The system will mark it as paid after you click the Rent Now button. 


15. The Rentals section of the customer's page will show all the information you input. If you marked the deposit as previously paid, it will show that here as well.







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