If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

The Dashboard overview

The first page you see when logging into your software will have different charts/statistics, Tasks, and Undelivered Notifications

Charts and Statistics

Revenue Chart: A bar chart showing a full year of revenue, starting with the last full month.
Statistic points: Last month - links to the Revenues report for the last month,
From. . . - on the left, links to Revenues report from two (2) months prior,
From. . . - on the right, links to Revenues report from one month and one year prior

Occupancy: A line chart showing units rented each month for a year (to see each month's total hover over the line).
Statistic points: Current, From Last Month, From Last Year - all link to the Occupancy Report

Awaiting Payment: A pie chart showing all money billed and not yet paid; broken down in 30-day increments.
Statistic points:Total - links to the Collections Report (this number will not match the collection report as the dashboard includes invoices that are not yet due),
Past Due Customer - links to the collections report,
Active Rentals - links to the Rent Roll

# on Waiting List - Number of customers on the waiting list,
% Website Rentals - Percentage of rentals done by customers for all currently active rentals,
% Recurring Billing - Percentage of customers with an active Recurring Billing account,
# SMS Sent/Received - Total number of texts sent to and received from customers ('Received' only active when Two-Way texting is enabled; see also; "Two-Way Texting"),
# Emails Sent - Total number of email sent from the software

You can edit the dashboard by clicking Edit Dashboard in the top right of the screen. 

Manager Action Items

Tasks: Shows all tasks that are due today or in the past, clicking the link (# uncompleted tasks due) will take you to the Task Manager. Learn more in our article: Task Manager.

Waiting List: Will let out know when there is a unit available for someone on the Waiting List, click the link (waiting list) to go to the Waiting List. Learn more in our article: Waiting List.

Undelivered Notifications: Helps you keep tabs on notifications (emails and texts) that did not send, clicking the link (# undelivered notifications) will take you to the Undelivered Notifications Report. Learn more in our article: Undelivered Notifications.

Approve and Finalize: The table at the bottom of the page will show new Move-ins, Reservations, and Scheduled Move-outs. Move-ins and Reservations only appear until they have been approved. Move-outs only appear on the day the move-out is scheduled and only until they are finalized.

Note: All Manager Action Items will only appear when there is an action waiting to be done. Any completed action will be removed from the dashboard.


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Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.