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Reports overview

Accessing reports

The software includes a variety of business reports grouped under three categories: Accounting/Financials, Customers, and Facility. You can access a list of all reports by hovering over the Reports tab and clicking All Reports.

If you hover over the Reports tab and select something other than All Reports, you will only show the list of reports from the category that you have selected. For example, if you clicked Customers from the reports drop-down menu, this is what you would see:


Many reports can be printed/downloaded as a PDF or CSV file. Others can only be downloaded as PDF or CSV. You will see buttons in the top right corner of the report screen to export and/or print the report.

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 1.57.57 PM.png

Available reports


Please note: Our Software Reporting is built off of CASH BASED ACCOUNTING

Check Batches - A check batch is a digital deposit slip used for auditing and tracking in-person payments (Cash, Check, Other) that need to be accounted for manually or deposited at the bank. This report is sorted by “batches” created by the owner, and batches can be edited or modified to match the physical payments that the owner is depositing into the bank.
See Also: Check Batches: System-Generated Deposit Slip

Lost Revenue - This report lists the monthly price of all available (un-rented) units. (Unavailable un-rented units will be included when box is checked)

Expected Revenue - This report shows all the units that you currently have rented and the base monthly price that you set for those units. It also shows the actual monthly price that you are charging your tenants.

Future Revenue - Shows only rentals that will have rent due in the selected month and the actual rent amount due in that month (this report does not include prepaid units, since that revenue has 

Collections - The Collections Report shows customers with any unpaid line items past their due dates unless filtered a different way.

Revenues - Will show the gross amount of ANY PAYMENT applied in the software. (Including electronic payments, cash payments, and other payments. Does NOT include Credit Without Payments)

Yearly Revenues - Will show the gross amount of ANY PAYMENT applied in the software (Including electronic payments, cash payments, and other payments. Does NOT include Credit Without Payments) from January 1 at 12:00 am to December 31st 11:59 pm of the selected year.

Monthly Deposits - Will show the total number of deposits paid, refunded, or forfeited in a current month. This is not a good report to see the total number of paid deposits that the facility should be holding (See Total Deposits instead), but it is a good way for them to reconcile the refunded and forfeited funds

Sales - This report is a sales report and will track any monies received during the selected date range and what sales category the monies belong to. Note: The unallocated section is money that was collected during the selected date range but was not applied towards an invoice. As this money is applied in the future, it will be moved from the unallocated section to its rightful sales category based on the date the monies were received.

Sales Tax - The Sales Tax Report will show all tax collected for each Tax Rate and billing type in the selected time period.
*The amounts account for any refunds to the transactions in the selected time period.

Total Deposits - Deposit Paid represents the current total amount of deposits you have on hand. This is any deposit paid by a tenant that has not moved out. This money will potentially be refunded back to these customers at the end of their tenancy, or forfeited to cover final rents/damages to the property. 

Credit Without Payment - This report shows credits without payments. This includes credits manually applied to an account by a manager as well as system generated credits for rental transfers, completed reservations and deposits marked as previously paid.

Failed and Declined Payments - The Failed and Declined Payments Report shows declined transactions for the selected date range. Declined Transactions during that period display the Amount that was declined on the transaction, Date, and the tenant’s Current Account Balance as of when the report was generated. (If a $0.00 total is displayed in the Current Balance column, the customer has likely paid using a different payment method or the Balance was voided.)

Alterations - a record of changes made to transactions, customers profile, rental history, recurring billing, and gate access. Gate Access Alterations are only available for ESS Cloud Access Control systems. This will show a record of what was changed, which customer was affected, when it was altered, who made the change, and what the setting was before and after the change. This report is used to audit the user activity of facility employees. 

Accrual - will show a record of all invoices that have been applied to customer billing histories, how much of the invoice has been paid, and any tax associated with the invoice and payment. It allows you to sort by the due date of the invoice, or the date the invoice was billed to the customer, rather than date of payment. This report is best for Accrual Type Accounting or auditing invoices. 

Retail Sales - This report shows all product sales invoiced during the selected time period, including those that have not been paid. Click on the product name for a detailed report.

Rate Management Batches - Shows a List of previous Mass Edit Rental Prices that were complete. Clicking on the date and time will open an additional report showing who was affected by the rate increases and how/when they were notified by the system of upcoming rate increases, and a history of when the increase hit their account.

Occupancy - This report shows current unit, area and economic occupancy for the facility.

  • Economic Occupancy: Economic occupancy is calculated by dividing the rental's current rate into the corresponding unit type's price. Products and fees are not included.
  • Area Occupancy: Area occupancy is calculated by dividing the occupied square footage into the total square footage, including units marked as Unavailable

Occupancy History (*Occupancy History is only available from March 2019 forward) - Shows a history of Economic Occupancy, Area Occupancy, and Facility Occupancy for previous years, one year period at a time. 

  • Economic Occupancy: Economic occupancy is calculated by dividing the rental's current rate into the corresponding unit type's price. Products and fees are not included.
  • Area Occupancy: Area occupancy is calculated by dividing the occupied square footage into the total square footage, including units marked as Unavailable.
  • Facility Occupancy: Shows the Economic Occupancy and Area Occupancy for the entire facility, not broken down by Unit Type. 

Recurring Fees - Show any active recurring fees and the customer account, amount, and billing cycle, auto pay status, and “created by” manager associated with the fee.

Daily Close Batches - The Close Batch is used to balance your cash drawer or physical cash and check payments with what has been entered into the software. The list on this report will be a list of previously closed batches and their totals.Clicking on the date and time of this report will give you a PDF of the Close Batch Report associated with the closed batch showing the recorded totals for that batch. 

Payment Processing Monthly Summary - Will show the gross amount of all electronic payments collected in the software, the payment processing fees associated with those payments, and the net amount received by the owner for one calendar month. This report is based on the date of the DEPOSIT (when the money makes it to the owner’s bank account, not the payment date).

Payment Processing Deposits - Will show a list of all deposits that have been deposited into the owner's bank account from processed electronic payments. These deposits usually follow 2 to 10 days behind the revenues report, based on processing time. 


Tenant Credit - This report shows all the tenants that have a credit balance on their account and the amount of the credit balance and the total.This amount would also be a breakdown of the “Unallocated Funds” in the software currently.

Reservations - Shows the active reservations in the software, including the date of the reservation, desired unit, customer, price, desired move in date, and whether or not it has been acknowledged . It allows you to sort the data in a few ways (Date of Reservation, Desired Move In Date, or Unit Name).

Next Bill Due - This report will show you when all of your customers with active rentals are scheduled to receive their next bill. This is not a "paid through" report because it is only displaying the next date that your customers are scheduled to be invoiced for rent, it does not show line items that have already been invoiced that may be unpaid.

Move In / Move Out - Shows any move in and move out that occurred during the selected month. Move Ins will show the move in date, the unit, unit type, customer, who moved them in, and the source of the rental. The Move Out section will show move-out date, date and time move out was finalized, move-in date, unit, unit type, customer, move-out scheduled by, move-out finalized by.

Scheduled Move Outs - Shows a list of scheduled move outs, the customer, unit, and size of the unit, the date of anticipated move out,  and gives you quick options to edit (change the scheduled move out date), finalize, or cancel the move out. 

This report also shows the waiting list, including requested date of move in, Name, Contact Info, Desired Unit, and an easy option to edit (change the desired size or desired move in date), rent to this tenant, or remove them from the waiting list. Both reports are shown on the same page to more effectively manage the turnover of their units, and see what upcoming move outs can be rented to customers on the waiting list.

Waiting List - Shows the waiting list, including requested date of move in, Name, Contact Info, Desired Unit, and an easy option to edit (change the desired size or desired move in date), rent to this tenant, or remove them from the waiting list. 

This report also shows a list of scheduled move outs, the customer, unit, and size of the unit, the date of anticipated move out, and gives you quick options to edit (change the scheduled move out date), finalize, or cancel the move out. Both reports are shown on the same page to more effectively manage the turnover of their units, and see what upcoming move outs can be rented to customers on the waiting list.
See Also: Waiting List

Lock Outs - Lock Out report is a collection of all tenants that are currently in Lock Out status or beyond. It also shows those customers that have left locked status this month so that physical overlocks can be removed. This report can be automated to email to the manager/owner automatically.
- The Lockout Removal section shows that date Lockout Removed, Tenant Name, Cell Phone, Balance, Units/Rentals, Approval- The Lockout Added section shows the date of Locked Out, Auction Date, Name, Cell Phone, Balance, Rentals, Status

See Also: Lockout Settings

Tenant Data - This report is used when transferring or exporting data our of our system. This report will provide a record of the Unit, Unit Type, Move-in Date, Billing Date, Customer Name, Customer Address, Cell Phone, Phone, Email, Insurance, Rent Amount, Paid toDate.

The Export CSV has two options. Tenant Data will include all information shown on this report listed above. The Full Tenant Data will include all information shown on this report as well as the customer's full information and notes. Neither export will include the username, social security number or photo id.This report can be sorted by Tenant Name or by Unit Number.

See Also: Tenant Data Report

Rental Transfers - This report will show any customers that have been transferred from one unit to a new unit using the Rental Transfer Tool on the Move In page. It will show the Date of transfer, Customer, Old Unit Number and New Unit Number. It will let you filter by date. This report can be downloaded as a PDF.
See Also: Transferring a Customer From One Unit to Another.

Storage Agreements - A report used to monitor the status of Signed and Unsigned storage agreements. There is a filter at the top of the report that allows you to switch between the two options. When viewing the list of unsigned agreements, it also gives you a button to email or text the agreement to the Tenant if they have an email address or cell phone on file. 

See Also: Storage Agreement FAQ

Undelivered Notifications - The undelivered notifications report shows any emails or text messages sent by the system but not received by the customer. The report is designed to help managers identify which customers need updated contact information, ensuring notices and reminders are successfully delivered to each customer. This report will show Notification Title, Delivery Action, Tenant Name, Date and Time Sent, if the alert has been dismissed, and the delivery status.
See Also: Undelivered Notification Report

Customer Notes - This report shows all customer notes that have been added to the bottom of an individual tenant’s profile (this does not show the invoice note or internal manager note that appears on the Edit Profile Page.) You can filter this report by the user who added the note, and the date the note was added to the account. It shows the Date Created, Customer, Units associated with the customer, the Comment or Note, and the username of the person that added the note. If no username is listed, the note was added automatically by a system event, like an automatic lockout removal. 

Credit Card Expiration Dates - This report shows the expiration date of ACTIVE saved payment accounts on file. This report does not show inactive accounts. It will list the name of the Tenant, the last 4 of the CC, and the Expiration Month/Year for each listed card. 

Active Promotions - This report shows any active promotions that are currently applied to customer rentals. The report includes when the date added, unit number, customer, which promotion they are using, when promotion discount will begin to be applied, how many times the promotion discount has been applied, and the number of billing cycles remaining (duration) that the promotion discount will be applied.

See Also: Promotions


Gate Codes - A Report showing Unit, the Gate Key assigned to the unit, Status, Unit Type, Customer, Phone, Email, Customer Account Balance.
See Also: Adding Gate Codes

Unit List - A list to view all units and current rentals. The Units List shows all created units, and the Unit Name or Number, Status, Unit Type, customer name, Phone, Cell Phone, Email, and Customer Account Balance. You can filter this unit by unit status, so this is also a good way to review units in Auction, Available, Late, Lien, Locked Out, Reserved, Moving Out, Pending, Pre Lien, Rented, Reserved, or Unavailable. 

See Also: List View: Sorting by Unit Number

Management Summary - The Management Summary Report is designed to give owners/managers a quick summary of how their facility is doing. It shows a percentage of units rented; how much money was made over the day, week, month, and year; what number of people moved in/moved out, and lists the total payments received from customers. This report has a filter by date feature. If you wanted to see the Summary for a specific month, like December 2022, we could pull that history by selecting the date of 12/31/2022 to see that date up until that date on the management summary. 

See Also: Management Summary Report

Tenant Protection - This report is only available to facilities using the Easy Storage Tenant Protection Plans. This report shows tenant protection plans active within the selected date range

Tenant Protections Revenue Share - This report is only available to facilities using the Easy Storage Tenant Protection Plans. This report shows tenant protection plan revenue within the selected year. Data for each month will be available on the 10th day of the following month. 

The facility is collecting all of the TPP Premiums from tenants as tenants pay their bill each month, and the owner is technically holding those funds until the end of the month. On the 10th of the next month, they will get a report showing the facility revenue split (how much the facility gets to keep of those TPP Premiums, and how much gets sent back to the TPP Team). They get to keep their share, and the other portion is billed to the facility the same day, on the 10th.  

Reports > Accounting and Financial > Tenant Protection - Revenues

This report will show the total collected and the facility share. Facility Share equals what the facility is keeping as earned revenue from TPP Plans. The remaining total will be dispersed back to TPP as the Tenant Protection Plan Cost

Decline Tenant Protection - This report is only available to facilities using the Easy Storage Tenant Protection Plans This report shows rentals that have declined tenant protection during the specified date range.

Insurance - This report is only for users using a connected INSURANCE product, like StoreSmart or Bader, or a 3rd party INSURANCE connection (If they are using TPP, this report will not be available and will instead be replaced by TPP Reporting). 

This report shows insurance policies active within the selected date range, including the Unit Number, Tenant Name, Tenant Address, Insurance Enrollment Date, Cancel Date (IF applicable), Amount of Coverage, Amount Billed, Amount Collected, Paid Through Date. 

Unsigned Insurance Election Agreements - This report is only for users using a connected INSURANCE product, like StoreSmart or Bader, or a 3rd party INSURANCE connection (If they are using TPP, this report will not be available and will instead be replaced by TPP Reporting).  The Unsigned Insurance Election Agreements show rental units that have an insurance plan attached to the unit, but do not have an e-signed insurance agreement and have not bypassed the e-signature. 

Unit Notes - The Unit Notes report will show you all units and notes associated with those units.

You can filter by unit status or if you want to see units without notes (defaults to only show units with notes). This report can be sorted by Units or Unit Types.

These notes are more for unit specific information, such as maintenance and upkeep on the unit. This should not be used for customer-specific notes, as regardless of who rents the unit, the note will remain.

See Also: Unit Notes Overview

Rent Roll - This report lists all active rentals on whatever date you select as the filter. It includes Unit, Type, Name, Move-in Date, Finalized, Billing Day, Security Deposit, Standard Rate, Rental Rate, Variance, Account Balance, and Paid To Date. 

Square Footage - This report shows the unit type, the square footage, and the occupied square footage of each unit size. 

Retail Inventory Summary - This report shows the product inventory summary for the requested date range. You can click on the product name for additional details.It includes  Product, Starting Count, how many of that product have been Invoiced, Received, Sold, any Adjustments, and the Ending Count.

Tasks - This report will show all Tasks created through Setup > Task Manager for the given date range. It includes Due Date, Date Completed, Name, Description, Date Created and who it was created by. This report can show both completed and uncompleted tasks. 

Custom Fields - This report shows data associated with custom fields added to Customers or Units. You can filter by Custom Field and see the saved data for that field. This is a good way to review all Custom field information for all customers that have provided that information, rather than checking accounts individually for this information. This report lets you filter by customer status, and you can sort by Customer Name or by Unit Number.
See Also: Custom Field Settings

Unit Status - This report shows the unit count by status for each unit type. It includes Unit Type the total number of units included in each status: Auction, Available, Late, Lien, Locked Out, Moving Out, Pending, Pre-Lien, Rented, Reserved, Unavailable, Total units for that unit type. 

Length of Stay - This report shows the Average Length of Stay for all past Rentals by Unit Type. It shows Unit Type, Average Length of Stay in Days, Average Length of Stay in Months, Number of Past Rentals. It can be filtered by Unit Type, Length of Stay, or Number of Past Rentals. 

Vacant Units - This report shows each unit type and its vacant units. Reserved units include 'Unit name (Customer Name - Desired Move-in Date) next to the unit number'. This report includes Unit Type, Units, Area (ft), Rate, Rate + Tax, Number Available Units of that size. 

Self Insured Rentals - This report shows all the rentals that have their own insurance policies through a company outside the ESS software. Typically this is going to be a homeowners or renters insurance plan. This report also shows the Unit, Customer, Policy Provider, Policy Number, Policy Expiration Date. 


Balancing the Payment Processing Monthly Summary and the Revenues Report

To get these two reports to match, we need to look at the Revenues Report (showing ALL payments) and deduct any cash, check or other payments, processing fees, and refunds to match the Payment Processing Monthly Summary (Electronic payments only, net amount after payment processing listed.) We also need to determine the date range that we are using across the board for both reports. In the example below, we are looking at all payments collected from 8/1/2022 to 12/31/2022, when filtering any reports or looking at monthly summaries, we need to include all the months between August and December. 

          $20,122.87   Revenue report filter date range from 8/1/2022 to 12/31/2022  
           - $1,665.14   Other Payments

           - $115.00   Cash and Check Payment
           - $53.35   August Payment Processing Fees
           - $125.42   September Payment Processing Fees
           - $100.10   October Payment Processing Fees
           - $96.23   November Payment Processing Fees
           - $71.35   December Payment Processing Fees
           - $115.00  Refunds
              Total = $17,781.30

Monthly Summary: The total of all Net Amounts from Payment Processing Monthly Summary for the selected date range. 

Add together    August  $2261.66
                          + September  $4842.58
                          + October  $4002.90
                          + November  $3903.77
                          + December  $2770.39
                              Total: =  $17,781.30

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