If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

How do I take a payment?

You can apply a payment to a tenant’s account from the Dashboard Menu or directly on the Tenant’s Account. The Dashboard Make a Payment tab allows you to enter multiple payments in a row (such as a stack of cash or check payments) very quickly into the system without navigating to multiple tenant account.

From the customer account

To make a payment to a specific customer, click on the Customers tab. Search for the specific customer and click on their name. Click on the Make a Payment tab. This will bring up any line items that the customer owes.

Capture91.PNGYou can make a payment for a specific line-item by clicking on the corresponding Pay link to the right of the line item.

To make a payment for multiple line items, click Make a Payment under Payment for Multiple Items. You will have the option to make a payment using cash, credit card, or check. When you make a payment it will be applied to the oldest outstanding line item first and then move to the next line item due. 


From the Dashboard drop down menu

1. Hover your mouse over the Dashboard tab in the upper right hand corner of your page, and select Make Customer Payment from the drop down.

2. From this page, you can use the dropdown list of tenants to find and highlight the name of the tenant you would like to apply the payment to, or you can use the search bar to search for the name or unit number and select the correct tenant.

3. Once the tenant is selected, it will take you to their Make a Payment page.

4. On this page, you will see a summary of the line items due on this tenant’s account. You can either enter the amount of the payment that is being applied to their account, OR use the check boxes to the left to select specific invoices and have the amount automatically calculate for you in the Payment Amount field. Once the amount is listed correctly, click Proceed to Payment Summary.

5. On the Payment Summary, you will choose the correct Payment Method from the drop down menu, and enter any payment details (such as Credit card number for card payments, or account and routing number for ACH payments). If you need to adjust the amount of the payment, you will need to go back to the previous page or click Adjust Payment Amount.

If the Cash and Check options are not showing up, this is due to a Check Batch report not having an open batch to receive and track new manual payments. Learn more in our article: The Check Batches Report. 

6. Once you have entered your payment details, click Make a Payment to submit the payment. Successful payments can be viewed on the Revenues Report.

7. Once you have finished entering the payment, it will automatically redirect you back to the payment search page where you can search and select the next tenant to restart this process with the next payment.


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