ADA compliance

To enable ADA (American with Disabilities Act) compliance settings on your website, navigate to Website > Settings.

website settings.png

Copy and paste the code below into the Analytics code field.

Screenshot 2024-10-08 at 3.36.01 PM.png

<script type="text/javascript">
var _userway_config = {
// uncomment the following line to override default position
// position: '3',
// uncomment the following line to override default size (values: small, large)
// size: 'small', 
// uncomment the following line to override default language (e.g., fr, de, es, he, nl, etc.)
// language: null,
// uncomment the following line to override color set via widget
// color: '#0d4de2', 
account: '2VDGirDb3Y'
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

The position of the icon can be changed by using different numbers for the position. i.e. replacing 3 with 4 will place the icon at the bottom right.


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