If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

The Collections Report

The Collections Report will show you all customers that have a past due balance. The total balance shown is the customers' full balance and will include invoices that are billed but not yet due, if the customer has an invoice that is past due. (Customers who are paid to current with invoices that are billed but not yet due will not appear on this report). The Collections Report is pulled in real-time and cannot be sorted by past dates. All balances are current for the day the report is pulled.

To view the report:

1. First, log into your Easy Storage Solutions account. 
2.Hover over the Reports tab and select All Reports.
3. Under the Accountings/Financials column, select Collections.
4. By default, the Collections Report defaults to being filtered by Past Due customers and sorted by balance. There are a number of options to sort the report. Click Search after selecting one of the options.

Days Behind
In the example search below, I've sorted the data by customers who are between 5 and 10 days due. If you want to see all customers who are outstanding, leave these fields blank.

From this dropdown, you can sort the list by further information. For instance, if you want to see who is past due and also "locked out" or who is past due on "recurring billing," you can sort those fields here.
The "sort" dropdown is self explanatory. Use it to filter your collections report by name (alphabetically), outstanding balance, lock out date, etc.

"25 Per Page"
This dropdown controls how many customers show up on your page. Hopefully, you won't need to use this field often!
You can Export a CSV or print a PDF by clicking Download CSV or Format for Printing in the top right corner of the page.
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Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.