If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

The Accrual Report

The accrual report is a fantastic mixture of revenue and expected revenue. It lists all charged items within a specific date range and whether or not customers have made payments yet.

1. Log in to your Easy Storage Solutions software.


2. Under the reports tab dropdown, select All Reports (you could also select Accounting/Financials to access the same screen).


3. Click the Accrual link under the Accounting/Financials column.


4. At the top of the report, you will see a couple fields: "Display" and "Invoices From." Don't be confused by the word "Invoice."  In the software, we often say "invoice" and mean "rent."  In this report, however, "invoice" means any charged items, not just rent (as you can see in the example below).


5. To use the report, we recommend leaving the display setting as "all" (see #6 for additional options). You can then input any date range. The image below shows an example of all charges posted to customer accounts during September. Don't forget to hit "load" after inputting the date range.


5.  One nice feature of the accrual report is that it shows all amounts charged and whether or not the amount has been paid.


At the bottom of the report, you have total amounts charged and total amounts collected. Tax is separated for convenience.


6. I you want to see only non-rent items charged to customer accounts, you can use the display dropdown at the top to filter for rent, insurance, and other charged items.


7. To print or download the file, you have two options in the top right corner: format for printing or download as a CSV (comma separated values).

8. If you want to download the report or if you want to print the report, click the Format for Printing button. A screen like the one below will appear in a new tab. 


9. To print or download the report, simply click the Print this page button at the top.

 To download, click the Change button.


Select "Microsoft Print to PDF."  Click Print. You will be asked you where you want to save the file. You must select a location to continue (when in doubt, the desktop is a good place to save files). When you click "print," the file will be saved wherever you indicated. It will also come up in a new window as a PDF file.


10. To download as a CSV, click the Download CSV grey button at the top right of the report page. The file will be downloaded either at the bottom of your page or under the upside down arrow at the top of your screen (see below). It just depends on what browser you are using (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer). When you click on the file, it will open in a Word document.


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Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.