The Daily Close Batch Report

The Daily Close Batch Report allows you to audit your cash drawer at the end of the night and make sure that the actual cash and checks collected throughout the day match the total of what was entered into the system. Once you run this report, it will show any discrepancies, and also show a summary of the payments that were collected for that day.

The Daily Close Batch should be done last, at the end of day, as part of your closing routine. This report is available to all levels of users. After you have closed your batch, you will not be able to re-open this batch, and you cannot change the totals on the daily close batch report. 


Using the report for the first time

If you have collected payments in Storable Easy but never used this report before, you will need to clear out any payments that were collected on previous days to start fresh. You will only need to do these steps the first time you use the report.

1. Start in the morning before opening, and log in before any payments have been collected at your cash register for the day. 
2. Go to Reports > Accounting and Financial > Daily Close Batch. This report will show no close batches have been created. 
3. In the upper right hand corner, click Create New Close Batch.
4. On your close batch it will show you the Recorded Totals, or the totals calculated by the system. There will be a column for you to enter Actual Totals after counting the physical cash and checks in your drawer. For this first report, enter the values from the Recorded Totals column in the Actual Totals column. 
5. In the Notes column, make a note showing "First Batch, Clearing the System" or something that helps you remember that this batch covers multiple days and is not an accurate daily record for this day. 
6. Check your totals to make sure that the Recorded Total and the Actual Total match. Choose Save Close Batch to submit and save your report. 


Using the Daily Close Batch Report

The Close Batch Report should be closed out at the end of every night after all cash and check payments have been entered into the system and placed in the cash register. This report is used to audit the cash drawer and will show you if you have any discrepancies causing your cash drawer to be over or short. 

1. At the end of the day, after all payment have been collected and entered, go to Reports > Accounting and Financial > Daily Close Batch.
2. You will see a list of all previous batches. You can click on the date to open a past batch, or in the upper right corner, click Create New Close Batch to start the process of auditing your drawer. 
3. When creating a New Close Batch, you will be fill in the Actual Totals column. The Credit Card and ACH payments will automatically populate totals from the Revenues Report. You will need to count the cash and checks received and enter the total. If you received any money orders, vouchers, gift certificated, or "Other" payments, add up the total dollar amount of these payments and enter them into the Other category. 
4. Once you have entered your actual amounts, check your totals to make sure that the Recorded Total and the Actual Total match. If they do not match, then something was entered incorrectly, or the amount collected is off. Investigate and fix any errors if needed, before submitting the report. If you are not able to identify the issue, use the Notes section to keep track of discrepancies and any situation relating to why the totals don't match. 
5. Once you have filled in your amounts, checked your totals, and included a note if needed, review your report, and click Save Close Batch to save your report. 
6. Once you have saved the batch, it will show up in the list of past close batches, and you can access the report by clicking on the date and time in the Created column to view or save a PDF copy of this report. 

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