How do I add or edit a credit?


Add a credit

Follow the instructions below to create a credit on a customer's account. 

1. Use the Search Customer bar to find the correct customer account.

2. Click Add Credit.

add  redit.png

3. Enter the credit amount and description.

add credit.png

4. Click Save. You will see the credit in the customer's Billing History.

Note: The credit will be applied to the following month’s rent or a manual fee if you create one.

Edit a credit

Follow the instructions below if you need to edit a credit that was given without payment or correct an overpayment that resulted in a credit. 

1. Navigate to the Customers tab and All Customers sub-tab.

all customers.png

2. Select the customer.

3. Scroll down until you see Billing History.

3. Click the date of the credit line item.

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