If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

How do I clean up a tenant's billing history?

Follow the instructions below to archive a line item in a customer's billing history.

1. Go to the Customers tab and click the All Customers sub-tab.

all customers.png

2. Select the customer you want to modify.

3. Scroll down until you see Billing History.

4. Click the date of the invoice that needs to be archived.

invoice date.png

5. You will see the line item in detail. There is a field called Before Tax Amount. You will be able to change this as long as this invoice has not been paid off already.

Change the amount to 0 before you archive it. Otherwise, it will show up on your reports.

Click Update Line Item or you can click Void in the top right corner.

6. After you've changed the amount to zero or voided the invoice, you can go back to the tenant's profile and scroll down the Billing History.

7. Click Full History. Check the box to the left of the line item and click Archive Selected at the bottom.

8. You can view all archived history on an account by going to the Full History and clicking Archived History. 

You will want to make sure you zero out or void an invoice before you archive it, or it will show up on your reports.

It is best practice to only archive invoices that have a zero balance or have been voided right after the invoice was issued. The software will allow you to archive live transactions so archiving is NOT the proper way to void. Improperly archived invoices can still affect your account balance. 

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Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.