If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

Retail Sale

The Retail Sale feature allows you to keep track of the number of products sold and the amount of products you have on hand, or an inventory of physical. You can keep an accurate inventory of supplies such as locks, boxes, and rolls of tape, and invoice these supplies on a customer's account to be billed later. 

Once a product has been added to your inventory, you can bill a customer by opening their profile, and clicking on Fee/Products from the top menu. On the Fee/Products page, there will be a drop down menu with a list of all of the available products that can be added to the customer's account. 


Add items to your inventory

1. Log in to your Easy Storage Solutions software.

2. Hover over the Customers tab.

3. Click Retail Sale.

retail sale.png

4. Click Add a Product.

add product.png

5. Fill in the New Product form.

6. Click Create Product.


Adjust inventory, edit a product, or delete a product

1. Hover over the Customers tab.

2. Click the Retail Sale sub-tab.

3. Click Change Inventory to adjust the quantity on hand, Edit to modify the product details, or Delete to remove the product from your inventory altogether.
Note: When changing the inventory you need to select the proper Action type. 
Received for adding to the inventory.

change inventory.png
Adjustment for removing from the inventory. You will also need to include the minus (-) symbol in front of the number when you are decreasing the amount of the inventory.


Run reports for your inventory

1. Click the Reports tab.

2. Under the Facility section, click the Retail Inventory Summary link.

retail inventory summary.png

3. Select the date range you would like to view and click Load Report. You can print the report by clicking PDF in the top right hand corner. 

If you offer products to individuals other than your tenants, you can create a Retail Sale profile in the software to run those purchases through.  

Still have questions?
Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.