If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

How do I email or text the storage agreement to a customer?

Storage agreements can be emailed to the customer directly from your software. Agreements are then signed digitally and saved to a customer's profile under the active or past rentals section of their account. Follow the instructions below to email the storage agreement to a customer.

1. Open the customer's profile.

2. Under the Rentals section of the page, click View next to Storage Agreement

3. You will see options to Send as Email or Send as Text. Clicking these buttons will send the storage agreement notice and a link to access and sign the storage agreement to the email address or cell phone number that is listed on the customer's account. This link is an authenticated link that is good for 24 hours after being sent. If the customer clicks on the link after 24 hours they will be directed to the website where they will have to login to their account to sign the agreement. 

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Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.