If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

Enable or disable customer scheduled move-out requests

A customer cannot completely move out on their own, but you can allow a customer to request and schedule a move-out online. The move-out will then need to be finalized and approved by a facility manager. Follow the instructions below to allow customers to schedule move-outs.

Enable move-out requests

In Easy Storage Solutions, hover over Setup and click Settings. Check the box for Customers Can Schedule Move Outs. When you enable the setting, you can then enter "Days required before billing day" (optional). This will be the number of days you require the customer to give notice before moving out/vacating a unit. 

When a customer schedules their move-out, you will receive an email with the request. You will also see the pending move-out on the Dashboard of your management software.

If you choose to use the "Days required before billing day" option, the software will allow the customer to schedule a move-out at any time; however, when the customer is outside the number of days required for notice, they will receive the following warning:"You are requesting a move out less than (numbers of days required) days before your next bill is due. You will be charged for your next billing cycle on (next due date). Any date chosen will be used as a move-out date after your next bill (next due date) has been charged."
Still have questions?
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