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How do I update rental details for a specific customer?

Changes to a tenant's current rental such as unit, rent, billing cycle, etc. can be made from the current rental section of their tenant profile or the buttons at the top of the customer's page. 

To access and/or make changes to the Current Rentals section:

1. Log in to your Easy Storage Solutions account.

2. Search the desired customer's name in the search bar at the top of your screen. Click their name.


3. The page which comes up is called the customer's profile page. The Rentals section is located just above the billing history.


Unit: The Unit column shows the unit number currently rented and also the size of the unit. If you click on the unit, you can access the unit information, tenant history, status, gate code, and use the edit button using the button in the top right corner of the screen to make changes.



Move-In Date: The move-in date doesn't change anything in the billing history. It is more for your personal information. To change the date, click the blue Edit button below the date, and you will be taken to the edit page pictured below.


Price: The price showing in this column is how much the customer is currently charged monthly for rent. This price can be changed from the Billing section.


Billing: To change the price of your customer's rent or to change how often they are billed, click Edit button to Each Month.

To change the price or the billing cycle, click the Custom option under the dropdown box. Note: The current unit price is listed below the custom option. 


Enter the new rental price in the Monthly Price Before Discount box. 

You can also change the Billing Cycle if you wish by selecting a billing cycle from the dropdown menu.


Be sure to click Update Rental to save your changes. The new price will be shown in the Price column on the tenant's page.


Deposit Paid: This column shows the deposit the tenant paid. If the amount showing is $0.00, that means no deposit amount has been paid on this account.


If you forgot to enter a deposit that the customer paid and you did not already charge it to the customer's account, (you can verify this by looking at the billing history), you can click on the blue $0.00, input the amount, and mark it as previously paid. When you click the Charge Deposit button, it will create a charge in the billing history and will also show that the deposit was paid.


Next Bill: The date showing here is the next time the customer will be charged rent by the software.26.png

If you need to change that date, click on the  Edit button under the Billing Cycle column.


You can change the next bill date by clicking on the date under Next Bill Due and selecting the day you want the customer billed in the future.




You will see a warning: "You have selected a Next Bill Due that may cause this rental to be invoiced again for the same period." if you change the next bill date. The system automatically "posts" the invoice to the customer's billing history a week or so before the due date.  So, if the bill has already been posted to the customer's history, and you move the bill date back further than a week or two, the system will create a new bill a week before the new bill date. To avoid this problem, check the customer's billing history to see if there is a bill already posted for this month. If there is, you can click on the date to the left of the charge and change the amount to $0 and click save.

Click the Update Rental button at the bottom of the page to save your change.


Paid To Date: After the first payment is made, a Paid To date will appear. Let's say today is October 20, 2017. The customer has been billed every month but hasn't paid since June. The next bill date will show 11/1/2017, but their paid to date will be 7/1/2017.  This means they will be billed again in November, but hasn't paid since June.


Insurance: If the customer has insurance, it will show the coverage amount under the insurance column. Note that if you change the billing cycle to, say, every six months, the insurance will remain monthly because that was how it was originally set up. In order to resolve this, we recommend moving the customer out and back in with the new billing cycle set.


To view insurance history or to discontinue an insurance option, click on the blue insurance amount. 

The policy can be cancelled by clicking the  Cancel Policy button. The history will NOT disappear, and the policy can be added again later if you choose to do so.

The Insurance Agreement can be signed by the customer when they log in to the software. To send a signature request, you can click the buttons at the top right.

The Invoice History of bills and payments is listed at the bottom of the page. 


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