If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

Easy Storage Payments: Bank Account Update

Deposit Account

If you need to update your deposit account for Easy Storage Payments, please reach out to our Support Team. If you are planning to close your current bank account, please wait to do so until you verify you are receiving your credit card deposits in your new account.

In order to maintain the security of your account and prevent unauthorized changes, we require the following steps be followed:

Send us a request for the change

Your Easy Storage Payments Account Owner must send an email to merchantsupport@storable.com from the email address used to set up your Easy Storage Payments account. The Account Owner is the contact who provided their information during your Easy Storage Payments Account setup.

In the email, please include a voided check or bank letter for your new bank account clearly showing the following information:

  • Name on the account
  • Routing number 
  • Account number

Complete an authorization form

Once we have received your request, we will provide a bank change authorization form that must be signed by the Easy Storage Payments Account Owner. In the authorization form, we will ask you to confirm your current banking information and the changes being made. 

A copy of the owner's drivers license must be submitted with the completed form. These documents must be sent from the Account Owner's email address that was used to sign up for your Easy Storage Payments account.

Please be aware that the request can take 24 to 48 hours to be completed.

Still have questions?
Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.