If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

Recurring fees

What is a recurring Fee?

A recurring fee is a fee that can be added to the customer's account to occur on a regular billing cycle. This fee can be used to apply utility fees for lighted or electrical units, trash or dumpster fees, monthly equipment rental fees, or fees for other additional services that you offer through your storage unit facility. They can be set to a monthly or yearly billing cycle, beginning on any date on the month. 

You can only use the recurring fee to bill dates in the future. If the customer owes you any past months, apply those as a manual one time fee, and start the recurring fees on their next upcoming billing date. 

Charging recurring fees with Auto Pay

You can choose to have these fees can be billed on the active payment account that the customer has on file. Once the recurring fees are added to the customer's account, you will see that information below the balance on the customer's profile page. 

What should the start date be for a recurring fee?

If you bill your tenants on the 1st and want the fee to also bill on the 1st then that should be the start date for your fee. The system will invoice the fee according to your Billing Period settings under Setup > Settings. 

How do I make sure this fee is billed automatically?

When adding the recurring fee to the customer's account, there is a check box on the recurring fee screen that says Automatically Charge Payment Account on File. Make sure this box is checked when setting up the fee, and the fee will be automatically charged to the customers active payment account on file. 

Disable a recurring fee

If you need to disable a fee, go to the customers profile, click Fees/Products > Recurring Fees in the upper right hand corner. This will bring up a list of all current recurring fees. On the right hand side of the fee, there will be a link that says Disable. Click this link to prevent further recurring fees from being added to the customer's account. 

Recurring Fees report

You can find which customer have recurring fees applied to their account on the Recurring Fees report. Navigate to Reports > Accounting and Financial > Recurring Fees. This will show all of the current recurring fees. 


Please note: Late/Lien fees do not apply to recurring fees.

Still have questions?
Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.