To enable text to open for your tenants:
1. Go to your Gate Settings page under Setup > Gate.
2. Click the choose a phone number link.
3. Select an area code to see what phone numbers are available.
4. Select a phone number. This will be the number that your Tenants will text "Open" to.
Your text to open phone number will show on the Gate Settings page under the Gate Access Control Section.
For text to open to work, the tenant must have an active rental in good standing with their cell phone number saved in the phone or cell phone field.
Note: The tenant does not need to be at the facility or within a certain range of the facility for text to open to work.
- For facilities with a single access point - Texting the one word 'open' opens the access point.
- For facilities with multiple access points - Texting "open" will open whichever gate is selected as the 'primary gate' on the Gate Settings page. Additional gates need to be named. To open those, the tenant can text "open [[name]]".
Note: Open is not case-sensitive. The name of the additional gates are NOT case sensitive. E.g. 'Open gate1' should open a gate named 'gate1' on the gate settings page.
If you need more assistance, please feel free to contact our support team.