If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

PTI Falcon Gate Integration

NOTE: If you have Falcon AND door alarms, your gate cannot integrate with our Easy Storage Solutions. This is because our software has no place for alarm information, so alarm data is not transferred to Falcon's system correctly. 

Follow the instructions below to set up your PTI Falcon gate integration with Easy Storage Solutions. 


1. Go into your Easy Storage solutions website and install the Gate Sync Program.
2. When setting up your Gate Sync Program, make sure to put your facility code in. The facility code can be found at the bottom of your "Gate" page in the ESS software, SETUP>Gate (API Key=Facility Code).

Save File location: You will enter a different save file depending on what Falcon you are using:

F2000: For the "Save File", if you are using the F2000 software, make sure you put C:\PTI\pti.dat (Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 2.56.19 PM.png

Taskmaster: For "Save File", if you are using the Taskmaster software, make sure you put C:\F2000\pti.dat 

Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 2.57.12 PM.png

3. Click Save (this will close the window).


4. If you are using F2000 software, click on the interface. It is a teal logo with an M on it. You can find it under the Home menu > PTI folder:

5. Make Sure Interface is Active checkbox should be checked

6. Acct Software set to "Generic"

7. Preprocessor should be set to "PTIDAT"

8. Input File should be set to "C:\F2000\PTI.DAT

9. Result File should be set to "C:\F2000\RESULTS.DAT


10. Invalid Name Field Characters may halt the communication. The only valid keyboard character that F2000 accepts are apostrophes, other characters such as &,*,",-,?,!,/ etc...are considered invalid and may cause your communication to not work properly. 



  • Your computer may need to be on Microsoft .net 4.5 framework if you are having problems with your ESS gate sync software.
  • Communication from other outside software programs(previous management systems) need to be halted in order for the ESS gate sync post download action to work.
  • Duplicate gate codes can be used in the PTI Falcon.
  • PTI Management Interface just quits responding after a while (goes to sleep even if the computer is left on). Basically all you need to do is click on the little blue M on the taskbar, and it wakes it up and does its thing.




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Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.