If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

How do I set up a Pricing Plans?

Follow the instructions below to set up a prepayment discount ex: 10% off if you pay for 5 months in advance. These types of discounts encourage customers to stay longer at your facility and allow you to collect the full rent amount up front. If you'd like to set up a move-in discount or promotional pricing, check out our article: Promotions.

To set up a new billing cycle plan:

1. Go to the Units dropdown and click Unit Types.

2. Click the blue Edit Pricing link on a unit type.

3. Decide the number of months for the promotion and whether to apply a Discount Percentage or Override the Price with a specific dollar amount. Check the "Plan only available to managers" box if you do not want the discount to be available for online rentals. Click Add.

4. Once the discount is applied, the lower monthly price will be reflected on your website. This is because if the tenant takes advantage of the discount, their monthly rate would technically be lower per month. 

5. When the customer clicks to rent, they will have the option to either do a normal rental or to pay for the promotion (as long as it isn't a "manager only option).  
Note: if you have your prorating options set up using the Bill first Full Month option this will not allow pricing plans to be selected via the website.

Still have questions?
Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.