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Easy Storage Payments: Payment processing fees

⚠️ This article is applicable to customers using Easy Storage Payments.

Where can I find my payment processing rates and fees?

You can find the rates and fees you are charged for payment processing by logging into Easy Storage Solutions and selecting Payment Processing from the Setup dropdown menu. 

Rates & fees

  • Visa, Mastercard, & Discover transactions - The rate you are charged for each Visa, Mastercard, or Discover transaction. 
  • American Express transactions - The rate you are charged for each Amex transaction.
  • Per credit card authorization - The fee you are charged per attempted credit card authorization (both failed and successful). 
  • Per ACH transaction - The fee you are charged per ACH transaction.
  • Per failed ACH transaction - The fee you are charged for each rejected ACH transaction.
  • If a deposit to your bank account fails - The fee you are charged if a deposit to your bank account fails. 
  • Per chargeback, arbitration, or retrieval - The fee you are charged per chargeback, arbitration, or retrieval. 
  • Flat monthly fee - The base monthly fee you are charged for payment processing.

Where can I view the fees I’ve been charged?

You can view fees you’ve been charged for your transactions on your Payment Processing reports. Click Accounting/Financials from the Reports dropdown Menu. Select either Payment Processing - Monthly Summary for an overview of your total monthly transactions and fees or Payment Processing - Deposits for a detailed view.

Payment Processing - Deposits

Click on a deposit date to view your Bank Account Deposit report. This report provides a breakdown of the transactions you’ve processed and the payment processing fees for each one. It's important to note that the Authorization fee associated with a transaction and the transaction payout may appear on different deposits. 

In the example below, Tenant A submitted a payment on 12/6/22. The Authorization Fee for $0.25 was charged immediately and included in the 12/6/22 Deposit Report. The transaction payout was captured the following day and included on the 12/7/22 Deposit Report along with the remaining processing fee.

The Fee and Net columns on this report show up to 4 decimal places. This ensures the Totals shown on the report match the sum of the individual Fees and Net deposit amounts. Totals are rounded to two decimals places to match currency format for deposit.

Payment Processing - Monthly Summary

This report includes a Total Fees section that summarizes the fees you’ve been charged in a given month. The Processing Fee Details section provides additional details about the fees.

Total Fees: The sum of all processing, authorization, and miscellaneous fees: 

  • CC processing fees / Interchange fees
  • Authorization fees
  • ACH fees
  • Failed ACH fee
  • Failed bank deposits
  • Chargeback fees

See the Processing Fee Details section for more detail about these fees.

Total Net Amount: Total Processed minus Total Adjustments and Total Fees.

Processing Fee Details: Fees you pay for payment processing broken down by type:

  • Visa, Mastercard, and Discover Transactions
  • American Express Transactions
  • Credit Card Authorization
  • ACH fees
  • Failed ACH fee
  • Failed bank deposits
  • Chargeback fees


Why is there a line item on my Deposit report for a fee without a payment?

The Credit Card Authorization Fee is charged during the Authorization stage of payment processing. Transaction payouts do not appear on the Deposit report until the Capture stage, which can occur later in the evening or early the following day. Due to our payment processing batch times, the Authorization Fee and transaction payout may appear as one line item or may appear on different deposits.

Am I charged a fee for declined credit card transactions?

To align with standard industry practices, Credit Card Authorization Fees are charged during the Authorization stage of payment processing prior to a transaction being approved or declined. This means the Credit Card Authorization Fee is charged for both approved and declined transactions. Please note: Prior to a correction we made to our billing process on November 14, 2022, the authorization fee was only charged for successful payments. 

How do I know if a fee is for a declined or approved payment?

You can refer to the Failed and Declined Payments report to view declined payments that have resulted in a Credit Card Authorization fee.

What should I do if I have questions about my fees?

Please reference the Payment Processing page in Easy Storage Solutions for rates and fees applicable to your account. If you have further questions, contact our Support Team at 435-656-1990 x1 or support@storageunitsoftware.com. 

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Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.